So I thought it would be a good idea to make a kaleidoscope out of a close up screen shot of pixels on an analogue television. Then Project this onto myself and stand in front of it with a t-shirt on. Here's some stills from the film below.
So having recorded the projection/performance I would now stretch the t-shirt I wore in the video like a canvas over a frame.
Then I re project the recorded video onto the frame with the t shirt on. The t shirt being on the frame not only acts as a screen but also has the intent to render me as the person in front of the projection naked. There is a metaphor for the t-shirt being like our ego our surface persona that weathers the everyday.
I had thought about printing onto the shirts to add another physical layer of depth to the piece, and as I have been interested in the idea of self and reflection I am drawn back the story of narcissus. In Particular Oscar Wild's version of the story; where there is this relationship between the observer and the observed which becomes a representation of the human struggle with the existence of the other; This sense of separation. Visually I am addressing this by using different layers or mirroring and repetition, across mediums. Print, textiles and video. Similarly to Velazquez in his painting below, I intend to displace the viewer, ask them to consider the dimensions of the work and their position in relation to it.
Here is an image of what I am considering printing onto the white shirt:
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