Sunday, 30 September 2012

I guess you never know

I guess you never know where your work is going to take you. Right now I'm considering filming a sex tape. How I got here . . .

Creating my grey paintings, I became fascinated by the concept, that the universe only exists because we are here to witness it, and that this symbiosis is akin to a 'grey area' where perception and reality meld into something malleable  In retrospect I realised the work was also about a meeting of different peoples perspectives. It became about the experience of empathy.

Through hindsight, now I recognise that I am promoting the appreciation of a unity that we all share. People Often talk about losing themselves in the moment. What this means exactly is something I want to explore.

Gustav Klimt - The Kiss
Konstantin Brancusi - The Kiss

These two works are examples of physical embrace between two people and the intimacy of this connection. The figures appear as a single compositional element, unified. In exploring options for articulating someone losing themselves, these works suggest that n losing ourselves we can find our 'oneness', like the single piece of rock carved into Brancusi's sculpture.
Sex provides a vessel in which to present this concept; addressing the physical, tangible connection as well as introducing a temporality to the design. The moment. Climax is seen as an ephemeral ecstasy. Though this euphoria transcends sensation; the self dissolves through conciousness , and the eternal present is realised.  

I'd been considering simply filming two people having sex and slowing it into something akin to Bill Viola's video work (seen below).

Now I feel that a more congruent exploration of my interests with the concept would be to explore the notion of time in video and how I can condense this document of the sexual experience into a moment. Consider Idris's Khans work only with video.

Idris Khan

Also, Jason Salavon

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