Waiting to get hold of a generator i have decided to explore the Internet from a slightly different approach. A long time ago the best things to do whilst stuck in a computing lesson were to IM people using some sort of proxy to bypass the Schools firewall, or play the 'Wikipedia game'.
The 'Wikipedia game' plays as follows:
- Start by generating two random links from the English Wikipedia home page
- Write these down and then return to the first one
- From that point on the player has to use only the internal links of the article to progress from page to page to the second random page.
With this game fully remembered and the strange and sometimes wonderful things that you come across, I think the exercise exemplifies a sense of freedom that the internet offers. Wikipedia in itself is a great icon of the nets potential for knowledge, the process of the game means that the more you know about the articles you are reading and the more information that you take in, then the better you are equipped to finish in fewer links and therefore have a better score.
here is an example of two random articles that I have just generated:
1st - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_Toyota_Tamaraws_season
2nd - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Kuprikov
soo after a large amount of linking from page to page I came to a dead end, it appears that the origonal random article was incorrect as the final article in my link would explain here: (cross reference the k 4 1000m winners) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_canoeing_(men)#K-4_1000_metres
so 26 links it would have taken me, it is my intention to use these 26 article as resources to create a mix media image, liek a documentation of a small journey through a very small tunnel in the internet.
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